History of Randomactsofbooks & About Me

History of Randomactsofbooks:

Hello fellow bookworms! I am Maddie from @randomactsofbooks on Instagram. I love sharing my love of books with my followers on Bookstagram. I wanted to be able to share more of my love of books with you guys, so I started this blog!

My story on Bookstagram started in December of 2015. I started without really knowing what to do, but post pictures of books. I started by using my white desk in my room, then after a while moving outside to my brick sidewalk, & lastly to a desk in my house. I rotated between these 3 backgrounds foe a while.


In January I was tired of using the same three backgrounds the whole time. I wanted variety to my page, so I then started taking pictures with whatever background I got inspired by that day. I love the outdoors, so in February I decided to combine my love of books and the great outdoors and changed my backgrounds to all outdoors.

Also in February Jaylin from @sincerely_literature and Sophia from @infinitbr on Bookstagram started a book club called @chapter.chat. It includes 6 Bookstagrammers: Tam ( @aninitebook ), Nayeli ( @beautiful ), Violette (@thebookishambivert ), Jaylin, Sophia, and me. It has been great being in the book club and I have read books I would have never read without learning about them from this club. I am also thankful for the friendships I have made with these girls!

About Me:

Well as you probably already guessed my name is Maddie and I LOOOOVVVEEE books! HAHA! I love the great outdoors and adventuring. My favorite genre is YA Historical Fiction/YA Westerns. I am a very slow reader who sets their Goodreads goal at 50 and realizes half way through the year that you can’t make it! I really like to take my time through books and let the books suck me into their world.

I have a huge obsession with quotes. I have quotes written down all over the place from where I find one and write it on whatever I can get my hands on at the time. I love horses and really any animal. I hope to go into a career that involves animals. I also hope to write a book, preferably a YA Western! My two all time favorite books so far are Vengeance Road by Erin Bowman and The Infernal Devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare.

I am so glad I started Bookstagram! I have read so many great books and met so many awesome people to fangirl with. Thank you to all my followers & future followers for the support and love. I can’t wait to see what the future holds!

Stay Random,

Maddie ( @randomactsofbooks on Instagram )